The Indiana Railroad rolls thru the middle of Bedford at 10 mph. This INRD just jumped on the CSX Hoosier Sub about a 1/2 mile back and will use 71 miles of CSX track to reach the NS near New Alba... (more)
The Hiawatha Yard, IN to Louisville, KY train rolls pass the sawmill on the northside of Salem. Reds signals were causing quite a bit of delay today to this 22 car train south of Mitchell, IN. Thi... (more)
The Hiawatha Yard, IN to Louisville, KY train rolls pass the signals at Leipsic on the famed CSX trackage south of Mitchell, IN. This train traditionally runs out of Hiawatha on Mondays and Thursd... (more)
The Hiawatha Yard, IN to Louisville, KY train makes its way south on the blades. The train is running on alot of reds and yellows today south of Mitchell, IN due to CSX not keeping up with signal ... (more)