The newest stock on Wiener Linien (Vienna Lines) is the Flexity. As more come online the E2 type will be displaced.
The "Money Buildings" form the backdrop of a ULF heading on Line 18. The buildings are painted the colors of the Euro Dollars
Porto tram
Tram 18 and U-Bahn 6 make their stop at Gumpendorfer Strasse in Vienna. I had planned to explore Vienna a little bit while changing trains on the way to Budapest but had to seek shelter in this U-... (more)
Trams N8S were delivered to Krakow since 2006 from VAG Nürnberg.
This was made on the occasion of a unique service, MAVITE (Hungarian tram story association) on the 5th anniversary of his foundation.
Prague transportation take a big restoration. New cars Skoda 14T, modernized old Tatra T-3 or T-3SUCS on Tatra T-3.R with new electric equipment. And redundant cars are sell in others cities. Th... (more)
ČKD Tatra T-6A5 (DP 8645 + 8646) go on a Manesuv bridge in Prague.
DP 8710 go on a line 18 from Petriny to Kotlárka over the Mánesuv bridge below most beautiful scenery - Prague Castle.