CCGX GP9RM 4015 switches out the large AV Terrace Bay Pulp Mill.
CCGX GP9rm 4015 switches out "caustic soda" tanks at the large Aditya Birla AV Terrace Bay pulp mill. The unit had just arrived from the Orangeville & Brampton Railway
Here's a hot job, like backing into the gates of hell.
Northwestern Steel job on a workaday job
Northwestern Steel job pokes it's nose out at the plant under the watchful eye of the flagman.
The switch job that works the grain mill in Newton uses a caboose to protect reverse movements. Here they negotiate the yard before heading to the mill on the main.
An all switcher show leads the Weyerhauser "Woods Train" at Ostrander, WA just outside of Longview, WA