That Bridge, That Train. A common phrase heard while chasing the NYSW SU-99 today was "wow, what a great railroad to shoot, if only they ran in daylight more often." With an 0630 OD time for the crew, the chase was on across the Delaware Division as the train made great time from the recently repaired bridge in Millrift, Pennsylvania to Binghamton, New York and recrewed for points beyond. Starrucca Viaduct in Lanseboro, Pennsylvania was opened in 1848 by the Erie Railroad, and is the oldest active stone arch railroad bridge in use in Pennsylvania. Normally both the SU-99 and SU-100 pass through in darkness except for the long summer months, so this was a real treat. The first 3 matched SD70M-2s (4066, 4064, and 4060) were making their daylight debut here, leading SD40-2 3024 (Silver and maroon heritage) and healthy 72 car consist.
From a hint of "Bee" (NKP 765), colorful "Bees" (KCS), "Bees" w/ "attitude", to "Bees" that "sting" your eyes, in their own way they have "Bee" on display! Equipment that "Buzzes" with Yellow & Black colors! ("Bees" can still "Bee" entering this "hive"!)